Meet Michael & Emily
Michael & Emily’s Journey
“The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are, but how happy others can be because of you”
When Emily’s parents found out they were going to be grandparents, they quickly came to Half Priced Granny Flats to replace the once-loved pool with the start of a bright future for their grandson.
They say love finds you, and this happened for Michael and Emily at their friend’s NYE barbeque
Making no delay, they quickly rented an apartment together
Michael and Emily make it official with a beautiful garden wedding with all their close friends and family
Michael opens his own carpentry business and the sky is the limit
The greatest news of their lives arrives when Emily finds out she’s pregnant
Nanna & Pop to-be get in touch with Half Priced Granny Flats team to design and build their granny flat, so Michael and Emily can focus on saving the deposit for their dream home