Why Us?
Cheap Granny Flats Sydney
Where Can You Find Affordable Granny Flats in Sydney?
Looking for high quality yet cheap granny flats? Then you have certainly come to the right place. At Half Priced Granny Flats we are not only the leading sellers of affordable granny flats in Sydney but our granny flats are also known for being one of the best in terms of quality and design. This is what sets us apart from other builders in Sydney. We have a full sized granny flat on display at our granny flat showroom where you can see the real deal right before your eyes.
Granny flats of all types and sizes
We have been building high quality granny flats for many years now. Our team of builders consists of some the most talented people in the building industry, who have years of experience building all types of granny flats. In addition, every granny flat is designed by an architect which further ensures that what we build adheres to the highest building standards. The end result is that despite us selling comparatively cheap granny flats; our granny flats last a lot longer and look a whole lot better for the price.
The guaranteed best price
Our high quality, cheap granny flats in Sydney start from as low as just $54,990* (Additional charges will apply, contact to speak to a consultant). There are no hidden costs associated with our service and the structure always adheres to all present building codes. As a matter of fact every structure we build strictly complies with the CDC, DA and BCA.
Plus we also throw in a few extras with every flat as a standard set of features i.e. smoke alarms, aluminium windows, tiles for moisture-prone areas like the bathrooms, concrete slab flooring, and colorbond roofing & gutters to name a few. This allows us to offer our clients with the best value for their money. To find out more about Half Priced Granny Flats’ affordable granny flats in Sydney call (02) 9822 9989, or get in touch with us via our online form at any time.